City Fan With A Good Away Story To Tell?

Last updated : 14 August 2006 By Footymad

The book I am writing is a sort of rough guide meets idiots guide for the travelling supporter, dedicated to all the mad fools who travel the length and breadth of the country following their team whether its Portsmouth my team or Accrington Stanley there will be something here for you. Lots of useless information, some pretty obvious facts, and some satirical observations of our fellow supporters, their teams and Towns.

We all travel the length and breadth of the country following our team; I am looking for your best and worst away trips. Tell me your team, the match you were travelling too, how did you travel, by car train or coach? Did you travel alone or with your mates?

What pubs did you stop at, what were the facilities like, i.e. was there a beer garden, a large screen TV, any decent food, were the kids allowed in the bar, was there a good atmosphere and a good variety of booze on sale, and more importantly was there any eye candy behind the bar? A picture of the pub on a digital camera would be good.

Did you need a wetsuit to take a pee, did you wait hours to get served, and how far were you from the ground. Where did you go after the game, did you head for home or maybe stay in for the night or better still make a weekend of it. If so where did you stay, what bars, clubs or restaurants did you visit was the town /city a hospitable place to spend a weekend or was it full of knuckle dragging half wits.

I am looking for eyewitness reports from your travels; the best tales will be included in the book where we will acknowledge the person by name, his or her team and the match attended.

So please get writing the book as yet untitled is due to be finished by Feb2007 so will be due out next summer published by Pennant Publishing.

If you think your fellow supporters could help, they can forward their stories to me direct, using the details as listed above. I of course will mention your team website in the acknowledgements.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank-you for your assistance

Martin Kerr


I have been let down with photos of the Corn Dolly and the Goldsborough both on Bolton road, maybe your readers can help, if there are any other pubs for the away fans please let me know, also where the Bradford fans drink..